Rules for non-powered vessels (Canoes, SUPs etc)
As of July 2021, there are new rules and official advice in place for non-powered vessels on Lake Toya. Here’s our translation below (original Japanese here).
Lake Toya Non-powered Vessel Rules (Canoes, SUPs etc)
On Lake Toya, accidents due to rough weather and lack of skills are on the increase. In particular, there has been an increase in the number of life-threatening accidents involving paddlers heading to the central island, Nakajima. When using non-powered vessels, please observe the following to avoid accidents.
Users failing to follow the rules for using Lake Toya will be ordered to leave the parking lot you are using. In addition, your use of vessels on Lake Toya may be prohibited.
Rules for using Lake Toya
- Life jackets must be worn. SUP users must be equipped with a leash cord.
- In the event that you have been drinking alcohol or are otherwise impaired, you are prohibited from operating a non-powered vessel.
- It is prohibited to enter routes used by sightseeing ferries.
- It is prohibited to disturb or impede the activities of commercial non-powered vessel tours (commercial vessels are equipped with flags).
- Other activities that disturb public order and standards of decency are prohibited.
- Use the lake at your own risk – paddlers must be proficient at self-rescue, and must have the sufficient skills to deal with a capsize themselves.
- Avoid using the lake alone – travel in groups.
- Carry communication equipment (such as a cell phone with a waterproof pack) to ensure a communication system in case of emergency.
- Check weather forecasts and lake information, and if the weather changes suddenly, head to shore immediately.
- There have been incidents of life-threatening accidents involving paddlers attempting to paddle to Nakajima island. In order to prevent incidents, paddling to Nakajima Island is not recommended.
- Wear wetsuits and clothing suitable for the day’s air and water temperature.
- If you encounter or witness an accident, promptly report it to the fire department or police.
Emergency contacts
Date Fire Station Toyako Branch Office – TEL: 0142-76-2119 (119 emergency)
Date Police – EL: 142-22-0110 (110 emergency)
Main Rules and Manners Guidebook Translation
The above leaflet only applies to paddlers. From here, we’ll cover the main 18-page guidebook, which focuses more on powered vessel use (but does mention non-powered craft too).
Access the official published Japanese version (July 2021) in PDF here on the Toyako Town website (backup).
Official Contact
Office for the Lake Toya Liaison Council for Promotion of Appropriate use 洞爺湖適正利用推進連絡協議会事務局
Toyako Town Office, Tourism Promotion Office 洞爺湖町 観光振興課
TEL: 0142-75-4400
FAX: 0142-75-4704
Maps of exclusion zones
NOTE 1: created this map based on plain images in the Japanese Manual (Hokkaido Wilds backup). You should use this map below as reference only. The pink line in the map we’ve provided below is between 275m and 350m from shore.
NOTE 2: The prohibition on landing on Nakajima Island only applies to motorized vessels. Non-motorized vessels are discouraged, but not prohibited, from paddling to Nakajima Island.
PDF Topomap with water-depths
Here’s a PDF topographical map with some of the Rules & Manners details, plus water depths. We created this map here at Locations and areas indicated are approximate. It’s a GeoPDF, so using an app such as Avenza Maps, you can use it to see where you are on the map.
Map on AvenzaMaps:
Lake TOya RUles: Unofficial English Translation
We’ve translated the July 2021 rules as a service to our fellow outdoor-loving, adventure-seeking Hokkaido lovers. If you notice something strange, or think the translation needs improving, please let us know in the comments below.
1 | English (unofficial) | Japanese (official) |
2 | Cover Page | Cover Page |
3 | Use of Lake Toya | 洞爺湖利用 |
4 | Rules and Manners Guide Manual | ルール&マナーガイドマニュアル |
5 | Lake Toya Liaison Council for Promotion of Appropriate Use | 洞爺湖適正利用推進連絡協議会 |
6 | Apr-21 | 2021.4 |
7 | Page 1 | Page 1 |
8 | Table of Contents | もくじ |
9 | Introduction 2 | はじめに 2 |
10 | Lake Toya Overview 3 | 洞爺湖の概要 3 |
11 | Leisure Use of Lake Toya 4 | 洞爺湖でのレジャー利用 4 |
12 | Rules etc of Use (Navigation) of Lake Toya 5 | 洞爺湖利用(航行)のルール等 5 |
13 | Map of the navigable waters of Lake Toya for powered vessels (full area map) 6 | 洞爺湖 動力船航行水域図(全域図) 6 |
14 | Map of the navigable waters of Lake Toya for powered vessels (Toya area) 7 | 洞爺湖 動力船航行水域図(洞爺地区) 7 |
15 | Map of the navigable waters of Lake Toya for powered vessels (Sobetsu area) 8 | 洞爺湖 動力船航行水域図(壮瞥地区) 8 |
16 | Map of the navigable waters of Lake Toya for powered vessels (Toyako Onsen and Tsukiura Districts) 9 | 洞爺湖 動力船航行水域図(洞爺湖温泉・月浦地区) 9 |
17 | Map of the navigable waters of Lake Toya for powered vessels (Nakatoya District) 10 | 洞爺湖 動力船航行水域図(仲洞爺地区) 10 |
18 | Important considerations before using Lake Toya 11 | 洞爺湖を利用する前のチェックポイント 11 |
19 | Important considerations during use of Lake Toya 13 | 洞爺湖を利用中のチェックポイント 13 |
20 | In the event of a water-related accident 14 | 水難事故に遭遇した場合 14 |
21 | In the event of a water accident (emergency contact details) 15 | 水難事故に遭遇した場合(緊急時の連絡先) 15 |
22 | Relevant Laws and Regulations 16 | 関係法令 16 |
23 | Members of the Lake Toya Liaison Council for Promotion of Appropriate Use 17 | 洞爺湖適正利用推進連絡協議会構成団体 17 |
24 | Page 2 | Page 2 |
25 | Introduction | はじめに |
26 | Lake Toya, located in the Shikotsu-Toya National Park, is a tourist destination that attracts many visitors from Japan and overseas throughout the year, and is also a place of livelihood for local residents who enjoy the benefits of nature through farming, fishing, accommodation and tourism. The area of Lake Toya has been designated as a UNESCO World Geopark as a result of its magnificent and beautiful nature and the geological value of the caldera, which was formed by volcanic activity in ancient times. | 支笏洞爺国立公園内に位置する洞爺湖は、一年を通じて国内外から多くの観光客が 訪れる観光地であり、また、豊かな自然の恩恵を受けながら農業や漁業、あるいは宿 泊、観光業などを営む住民の方々の、生活の場ともなっている地域です。洞爺湖の一 帯は、その雄大で美しい自然と、太古の火山活動により形成されたカルデラの地質学 的な価値から、「洞爺湖有珠山ジオパーク」としてユネスコ世界ジオパークに認定さ れています。 |
27 | In recent years, however, the use of the lake for leisure activities has become more diverse, including water sports. Due to the limited number of places in Hokkaido where people can enjoy leisure activities on the lake, the number of people who enjoy powered boats such as jetskis, as well as non-powered boats such as canoes and SUPs, has been increasing every year. | こうした自然豊かな環境は、キャンプや遊漁など、多くの方々にレジャーを楽しむ 場として親しまれてきましたが、近年では水上スポーツをはじめとしてレジャー利用 も多様化し、また北海道内では湖沼でレジャーを楽しめる場所が限られていることも あって、洞爺湖においても、水上バイクなどの動力船のほか、カヌーやSUPといっ た非動力船を楽しむ利用者の方々が、年々増えてきているところです。 |
28 | However, there has been an increase in the number of incidents in recent years, such as irresponsible operation, noise problems caused by jetskis, as well as water-related accidents and mishaps involving non-powered boats. This has led to a strong need for safety measures and self-management on the lake. However, it is a fact that some tourists and local residents have complained about the violation of rules and manners by some lake users. In some cases, there have been violations of the law, such as the unauthorised erection of structures, and the etiquette of lake users has been called into question. | しかし、その一方で水上バイクなどの悪質航行や騒音問題、非動力船利用者の水 難事故や遭難といった事例が近年増加しており、湖上での安全対策や自己管理が強く 求められる状況となっています。これまでも動力船乗場等においては、利用上のルー ル遵守について注意喚起を行っておりますが、一部の観光客や地域住民からは、ルー ルやマナー違反が確認され、様々な苦情が出ているのも事実です。なかには工作物の 無許可設置など、法律に抵触しているケースもあり、利用者のモラルが問われています。 |
29 | As a national park, Lake Toya is not only a national asset but also part of the living space of the people who live there. | 国立公園に指定されている洞爺湖は、国民の財産であるとともに、そこで暮らされている方々の生活圏の一部でもあります。 |
30 | In order to ensure the safety of all visitors to Lake Toya and to ensure they do not cause any inconvenience to the local community, we have prepared this manual to guide you through the basic rules and etiquette for using Lake Toya. Please refer to this manual and follow the instructions and precautions at the various sites to enjoy your leisure time at Lake Toya. | このたびは、洞爺湖を利用される皆様にしっかりと安全対策を行っていただき、地 域の方々に迷惑がかからないよう楽しんでいただくために、基本的な事項を記載した 洞爺湖利用ルール&マナーガイドマニュアルを作成しましたので、ぜひ本マニュアル を参照いただき、各種利用場所での注意事項および指導にしたがって、洞爺湖でのレ ジャーを楽しんでいただきますようお願いいたします。 |
31 | Page 3 | Page 3 |
32 | Lake Toya Overview | 洞爺湖の概要 |
33 | Lake Toya is located in the southwestern part of Hokkaido, as part of the Shikotsu-Toya National Park. It sits in the Toya Caldera, which straddles the towns of Toyako and Sobetsu. The island in the middle of Lake Toya, commonly called Nakajima, is a group of lava domes formed by an eruption. The lava domes are called Oshima, Kannonjima, Bentenjima and Mandojima. | 洞爺湖は、北海道南西部に位置しており、支笏洞爺国立公園の一部、洞爺湖町と壮瞥 町の二町を跨いだ「洞爺カルデラ」内にできた湖として、二級河川長流川水系に属して います。洞爺湖の中央にある中島は、噴火により形成された溶岩ドーム群で、湖面に頭 を出しているのが大島、観音島、弁天島、饅頭島となり、中島はその総称となります。 |
34 | Lake Toya is the ninth largest lake in Japan in terms of area, and the third largest caldera lake in Japan after Lake Kussharo and Lake Shikotsu. It is a roughly circular lake measuring approximately 11km east to west and 9km north to south. | 洞爺湖の面積は日本で9番目に広く、カルデラ湖としては屈斜路湖、支笏湖に次いで国内で3番目の大きさとなり、東西約11km南北約9kmのほぼ円形の湖です。 |
35 | On the southern shore of the lake are two of Hokkaido's most notable hot spring resorts, Toyako Onsen and Sobetsu Onsen. The "Nakajima Tour Boat" operated by Toyako Kisen, which departs from the pier in front of the station in Toyako Onsen, allows visitors to stop by the islands and observe the unique ecosystem uniquely adapted to the caldera environment. | 湖の南岸には北海道内有数の温泉街である洞爺湖温泉、壮瞥温泉があり、洞爺湖温泉 街にある駅前桟橋から出航している洞爺湖汽船の「中島巡り遊覧船」では、中島に立ち 寄って、環境に適応した独自の生態系などを観察することができます。 |
36 | The lake is also used for inland fishing for cherry salmon, damselfish and pond smelt, with hatchery and release operations underway. Boat fishing is prohibited outside the fishing season (1 June to 30 June and 1 December to 31 March) and in the area up to 2km from the shore of Nakashima. | また、湖では孵化・放流事業を進めながらサクラマス、ヒメマス、ワカサギ等を漁獲 する内水面漁業が行われており、遊漁期間(6/1 ~ 6/30、12/1 ~ 3/31)以外の船釣りと、中島沿岸から2kmまでの区域は、遊漁禁止となっています。 |
37 | In addition to this, a project has been carried out since 2006 to survey and capture uchida crayfish, a specified invasive species. Activities have also been carried out to protect the lake's water plants and biodiversity, such as setting up crab cages along the entire shore of the lake and monitoring the crab distribution area through diving surveys. | ほかにも湖の一円では、特定外来生物の指定を受けて、ウチダザリガニの調査・捕獲 事業が平成18年より実施されており、湖岸全域のカニ籠の設置や潜水調査により分布 域をモニタリングするなど、湖の水草や生物多様性を守るための活動が行われています。 |
38 | Lake Toya Stats | 洞爺湖の数値 |
39 | Lake Toya | 洞爺湖 |
40 | Area: 70.72m2 | 面積: 70.72m2 |
41 | Altitude: 84m | 標高:84m |
42 | Circumference: 43km | 周囲:43km |
43 | Max depth: 179m | 最大水深:179m |
44 | Average depth: 117m | 平均深度:117m |
45 | Clarity: 10m | 透明度:10m |
46 | Nakajima | 中島 |
47 | Area: 4.84m2 | 面積:4.84m2 |
48 | Highest point: 455m | 最高点:455m |
49 | Circumference: 9.6km | 周囲:9.6km |
50 | Page 4 | Page 4 |
51 | Leisure Use of Lake Toya | 洞爺湖でのレジャー利用 |
52 | [Powerboat use] Watercraft, pleasure boats, etc. For general powerboat use, please check the rules and regulations on the next page before use. | 【動力船利用】 水上バイク・プレジャーボートなど 一般の動力船の航行については、次ページ以降にルール等を記載しておりますので、事前に確認してから利用してください。 |
53 | [Non-powered boat use] Canoeing, SUP, etc. For general use of non-powered boats, please check the rules and regulations on the next page before use. | 【 非動力船利用】 カヌー・SUPなど 一般の非動力船の航行については、次ページ以降にルール等を記載しておりますので、事前に確認してから利用してください。 |
54 | Commercially Operated Vessels, etc. Vessels belonging to companies that operate passenger transport and non-regular lake services in Lake Toya, that have obtained approval under the provisions of the Sea Transportation Law, also operate in the lake. These vessels are not covered by this manual and might operate in the prohibited areas listed on the following pages. | ※営業船舶等について 洞爺湖では、海上運送法の規定による認可を得て、旅客運送事業や不定期航路事業などを行う事業者の船が航行しています。こうした営業船舶等は、本マニュアル の適用外となり、次ページ以降に記載してある航行禁止区域等を航行する場合があります。 |
55 | [Recreational Fishing Use] Fishing from Boats and Fishing from the Shore Those wishing to fish in Lake Toya must observe the rules and regulations regarding prohibited periods and areas, and purchase a fishing ticket from the designated sales office. For more details, please contact the Toyako Fishery Cooperative Association. Toyako Fishery Cooperative Association 0142-66-2312 | 【 遊漁利用】 船釣り・陸釣り 洞爺湖にて遊漁を希望される方は、禁止期間や禁止区域等のルールを遵守して、指定の販売所で遊漁券を購入のうえ行ってください。くわしくは、洞爺湖漁業協同組合までお問い合わせください。 ■ 洞爺湖漁業協同組合 0142-66-2312 |
56 | [Camping Use] Camping along the Lakeside If you wish to camp along the shores of Lake Toya, please check the campsites below. Please note that street parking next to campgrounds is not permitted. Takarada Camping Ground 0142-82-5777 Naka-Toya Camping Ground 0142-66-3131 Green Stay Toyako 0142-75-3377 | 【 キャンプ利用】 湖畔沿いキャンプ 洞爺湖畔でのキャンプを希望される方は、下記のとおりキャンプ場がありますので確認してください。なお、路上駐車によるキャンプは禁止しています。 ■ 財田キャンプ場 0142-82-5777 ■ 仲洞爺キャンプ場 0142-66-3131 ■ グリーンステイ洞爺湖 0142-75-3377 |
57 | Page 5 | Page 5 |
58 | Rules of Use (Navigation) of Lake Toya | 洞爺湖利用(航行)のルール |
59 | Regarding the Use of Powerboats | 動力船利用 |
60 | There are two public departure/arrival ramps for powerboats, "Toya Area Powerboat Terminal" and "Sobetsu Area Powerboat Terminal (Toya Lake Park Landing Facility)", and two private departure/arrival points, "Kawanami Pier" and "Toya Marine Pier" in Sobetsu Area. For leisure powerboating on Lake Toya, please use the above departure/arrival ramps. | ■ 動力船の公共発着場所は「洞爺地区動力船乗場」と「壮瞥地区動力船乗場(洞爺湖園 地船揚施設)」が設置されており、民間発着所は壮瞥地区に「かわなみ桟橋」と「洞 爺マリン桟橋」の2ヶ所がありますので、レジャーでの利用は必ず上記の発着場所から行ってください。 |
61 | Power-driven vessels must operate only between the hours of 8.00 am and 5.00 pm. | ■ 動力船は、午前8時から午後5時までの航行を厳守してください。 |
62 | The waters within 300m of the shore of the lake are off limits to powerboats, except when leaving or landing on the shore. | ■ 離岸・着岸をのぞく、湖岸から300mまでの水域は、航行禁止です。 |
63 | When leaving or landing on the shore, please operate at dead slow (idling speed). | ■ 離岸・着岸については、デッドスロー(アイドリングスピード)で航行してください。 |
64 | Do not start the engine on land and do not rev boat engines. | ■ 陸上でのエンジン始動、空ぶかし等は絶対にしないでください。 |
65 | The use of power boats with modified silencers is prohibited. | ■ 消音機等を改造した動力船の利用は禁止します。 |
66 | Never dump fuel, oil, etc. in the water. | ■ 燃料・オイル等の投棄は絶対にしないでください。 |
67 | The operator of the vessel must comply with all applicable maritime regulations. | ■ 船舶操縦者は海上法規を遵守してください。 |
68 | Regarding the Use of non-powered vessels | 非動力船利用 |
69 | Areas more than 300 meters from the lakeshore are used by power vessels, so please exercise caution when padding in these areas. | ■ 湖岸から300m以上離れた水域は、動力船の航行水域ですので、航行の際は十分にご注意ください。 |
70 | Do not paddle at night. | ■ 夜間航行はしないでください。 |
71 | Please ensure that there is a lookout on land and a system of communication in the event of an emergency. | ■ 陸上での見張り役や緊急の場合の連絡体制を確保してください。 |
72 | Do not park cars on the side of the road. | ■ 路上駐車は禁止です。 |
73 | Rules common to both powered and non-powered vessels | その他共通 |
74 | There are exclusion zones and restricted waters in Lake Toya (see Pages 6 to 10). | ■ 洞爺湖には、立入禁止区域と航行禁止水域が設定されています。(6~10ページ) |
75 | Do not approach the marked navigation paths of sightseeing boats. | ■ 遊覧船の航路には近づかないでください。 |
76 | Do not swim in Lake Toya. | ■ 洞爺湖での遊泳はしないでください。 |
77 | Unauthorized installation of buoys, pontoons and other structures is prohibited. | ■ 無許可でのブイや浮桟橋など工作物の設置は禁止されています。 |
78 | No landing on the island is permitted. | ■ 中島への上陸はしないでください。 |
79 | Unauthorized mooring or abandonment of powered or unpowered vessels is prohibited. | ■ 無許可での動力船および非動力船の係留・放置は禁止されています。 |
80 | Please take care not to frighten wildlife such as swans. | ■ ハクチョウ等の野生動物を脅かさないようご注意ください。 |
81 | Please take all rubbish home with you. | ■ ゴミ等は必ずお持ち帰りください。 |
82 | Please use the lake in consideration of the surrounding natural environment. | ■ 洞爺湖の自然環境に配慮した利用をしてください。 |
83 | Please do not cause any inconvenience to residents, tourists or campground users. | ■ 住民、観光客、キャンプ場利用者への迷惑となる行為はしないでください。 |
84 | Lake Toya is subject to unpredictable weather phenomena such as gusty winds and unique changes in wind direction. Therefore, please exercise caution and come ashore as soon as possible if the weather or lake condition is likely to worsen. | ■ 洞爺湖は、突風や独特の風向きの変化といった予想できない気象現象がおこりますの で十分注意し、天候や湖面の悪化の恐れがあるときは、速やかに上陸してください。 |
85 | It is recommended to carry communication equipment (cell phone with waterproof pack, whistle, etc.) when going out on the lake. | ■ 湖上に出る際は通信装備(防水パック入り携帯電話、ホイッスル等)の携帯を推奨い たします。 |
86 | Please make every effort to ensure your safety. | ■ 最大限の安全確保に努めてください。 |
87 | Failure to comply with these rules for the use of Lake Toya may result in the restriction or prohibition of the vessel's operation. |