Hokkaido Search and Rescue Data

An unofficial English-translated database of Hokkaido mountain search and rescue events (Jan 2015 till present). All data raw data extracted from the Hokkaido Police annual search and rescue reports (available here).



  • 2014-2019 Hokkaido SAR Incident Trends (published Feb 2020) – English, Japanese


Download all data (via the Open Science Framework): Excel xlsx | CSV (change log)

NOTE: English translations of the raw Japanese data are unofficial. Any suggestions for improvement or reports of errors should be made to Rob Thomson – rob@hokkaidowilds.org. Also, English translations of the original Japanese incident descriptions are mostly translated using DeepL. Human post-editing is intended as time allows.

Number in party requiring assistance
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HINT 1: If, after searching, you can’t click on the colored circle on the map, try zooming in.

HINT 2: Click on the cross-hairs in the search box to get your current location.
Illness (Hypothermia)

SAR No. 2022-79-1

Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Yotei-zan (羊蹄山, 1898m)
Incident date: 2022/08/30
Event description (Google Translate) | While descending the 7th station at around 11:30 p.m. on August 29, the person in distress fell into bushes and became inoperable, so he spent the night in the mountain and started descending the next day. However, at around 2:45 p.m. near the first station, the climber again became inoperable due to hypothermia, and a passing climber called 119 for rescue. A passing climber called for rescue by dialing 119. The fire rescue team rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、8月29日午後11時30分頃7合目付近を下山中、藪に落ちて行動不能となったため、山中で一晩を過ごし、翌日下山を開始したが、午後2時45分頃1合目付近で低体温症のため再び行動不能となり、通りがかりの登山者が119番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)

SAR No. 2022-78-1

Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Yotei-zan (羊蹄山, 1898m)
Incident date: 2022/08/29
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending a mountain at an altitude of 500 meters at around 5:00 p.m. when he became unable to move due to pain in both knees caused by fatigue, and called 119 for help. The fire rescue team rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後5時頃標高500メートル付近を下山中、疲労による両膝痛のため行動不能となったことから、自ら119番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
No injury

SAR No. 2022-77-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Io-zan (硫黄山, 1563m)
Incident date: 2022/08/22
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending the mountain at an altitude of 500 meters at around 2:00 p.m. when he became incapacitated due to heat stroke and called 110 for rescue through a family member. He later recovered and descended the mountain on his own.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時頃標高500メートル付近を下山中、熱中症で行動不能となり、家族を介して110番で救助要請(その後回復し、自力下山)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Keigetsu-dake (桂月岳, 1938m)
Incident date: 2022/08/21
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending the mountain just below the summit at around 11:00 a.m. when he slipped and fell approximately 3 meters, injuring his head and rendering him inoperable. A roadside disaster prevention helicopter rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前11時頃山頂直下を下山中、約3メートル滑落して頭部を負傷したため行動不能となり、通りがかりの登山者が119番で救助要請 (道防災ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Rausu-dake (羅臼岳, 1661m)
Incident date: 2022/08/20
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was climbing near the summit at 10:45 a.m. when he tripped on a rock and slipped down about 7 meters, injuring his head and rendering him unable to move. A Hokkaido Police helicopter rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前10時45分頃山頂付近を登山中、岩につまずいて約7メートル滑落して頭部を負傷したため行動不能となり、同行者が119番で救助要請(道警ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)

SAR No. 2022-74-1

Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Tokachi-dake (十勝岳, 2077m)
Incident date: 2022/08/19
Event description (Google Translate) | At around 1:45 p.m., the person in distress became unable to move due to cramps in both legs near the summit of the mountain, and a passing climber called 110 for help. Rescue of the person in distress by helicopter
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後1時45分頃山頂付近で両足が痙攣して行動不能となり、通りがかりの登山者が110番で救助要請(道防災ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
No injury
Bad weather

SAR No. 2022-73-1

Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Tokachi-dake (十勝岳, 2077m)
Incident date: 2022/08/14
Event description (Google Translate) | At 2:50 p.m., the person in distress became lost near the summit due to poor visibility caused by bad weather, and called 110 for help. Rescue team of the Hokkaido Police Mountain Distress Rescue Team and a Hokkaido Police helicopter rescued the distressed person.
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時50分頃山頂付近で悪天候による視界不良のため、道に迷って行動不能となり、自ら110番で救助要請(道警山岳遭難救助隊、道警ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
Illness (sore stomach)

SAR No. 2022-72-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Io-zan (硫黄山, 1563m)
Incident date: 2022/08/13
Event description (Google Translate) | While bivouac near the new crater at around 10:00 p.m., the person in distress became ill and called 119 for help through his family. Rescue team of the Hokkaido Police rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後10時頃新噴火口付近でビバーク中、体調不良となり、家族を介して119番で救助要請(道警山岳遭難救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Yotei-zan (羊蹄山, 1898m)
Incident date: 2022/08/14
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending from the fifth station at around 0:30 p.m. when he fell and injured his right leg. The person in distress was rescued by the Hokkaido disaster prevention helicopter.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後0時30分頃5合目付近を下山中、転倒した際に右足を負傷し、3合目まで下山したが、その後行動不能となり、同行者が119番で救助要請(道防災ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
Other (burns)

SAR No. 2022-70-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Yuniishikari-dake (ユニ石狩岳, 1756m)
Incident date: 2022/08/13
Event description (Google Translate) | At around 4:30 p.m., the person in distress was in a tent set up at the designated campsite in Buyonuma, when he was burned by boiling water on both legs. A Hokkaido Police helicopter rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後4時30分頃ブヨ沼キャンプ指定地で設営したテント内にて、熱湯が両足にかかって火傷したことから行動不能となり、同行者から 110番で救助要請(道警ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)

SAR No. 2022-69-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Rausu-dake (羅臼岳, 1661m)
Incident date: 2022/08/13
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was climbing near Rausudaira at around 11:20 a.m. when he became unable to move due to poor health, and a passing climber called 119 for help. The person in distress was rescued by the Hokkaido Disaster Prevention Helicopter.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前11時20分頃羅臼平付近を登山中、体調不良で行動不能となり、通りがかりの登山者が119番で救助要請(道防災ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Nisekoanupuri (ニセコアンヌプリ, 1308m)
Incident date: 2022/08/12
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress slipped and fell while climbing near the first station at around 10:05 a.m., injured his left shoulder, and was unable to move. The fire rescue team rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前10時5分頃1合目付近を登山中、足を滑らせて転倒し、左肩部を負傷したため行動不能となり、自ら119番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
No injury

SAR No. 2022-67-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Furanonishi-dake (富良野西岳, 1331m)
Incident date: 2022/08/11
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending the mountain at an altitude of 700 meters at around 3:00 p.m. when he became lost and lost his way. Rescued by a helicopter of the Hokkaido Police
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後3時頃標高700メートル付近を下山中、道に迷って行動不能となり、他の登山者が110番で情報提供(道警ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
No injury

SAR No. 2022-66-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Rausu-dake (羅臼岳, 1661m)
Incident date: 2022/08/10
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending the mountain at an altitude of 500 meters at around 4:15 p.m. when fatigue set in and he became unable to move, and his companion called the police station for help through an acquaintance. The person in distress was rescued by the Hokkaido Police Mountain Disaster Rescue Team and the Fire and Rescue Team.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後4時15分頃標高500メートル付近を下山中、疲労が蓄積して行動不能となり、同行者が知人を介して警察署に救助要請(道警山岳遭難救助隊、消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)

SAR No. 2022-65-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Meakan-dake (雌阿寒岳, 1449m)
Incident date: 2022/08/07
Event description (Google Translate) | Around 3:00 p.m., near the 7th station, the person in distress became unable to move due to fatigue and pain in his right leg, and his companion called for rescue by dialing 119 through an acquaintance. The person in distress was rescued by a helicopter of the Hokkaido Disaster Prevention Agency.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後3時頃7合目付近で、疲労が蓄積し右足に痛みが出てきたため行動不能となり、同行者が知人を介して119番で救助要請(道防災ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)

SAR No. 2022-64-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Aka-dake (赤岳, 2078m)
Incident date: 2022/08/06
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending the mountain at an altitude of around 1,900 meters at around 3:00 p.m. when fatigue set in and he became unable to move. A helicopter of the Hokkaido Police rescued the distressed person.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後3時頃標高1900メートル付近を下山中、疲労が蓄積して行動不能となり、通りがかりの登山者が110番で救助要請(道警ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
No injury

SAR No. 2022-63-1

Hokkaido Local Resident
Summer season
Rishiri-zan (利尻山, 1721m)
Incident date: 2022/08/02
Event description (Google Translate) | At 2:10 p.m., the person in distress was climbing near the ninth station when he accidentally left the trail and became unable to move due to a steep slope, and called 110 for help. A Hokkaido Police helicopter rescued the distressed person.
Residence of individual: Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時10分頃9合目付近を登山中、誤って登山道から外れて急斜面となったことから行動不能となり、自ら110番で救助要請(道警ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)
No injury

SAR No. 2022-62-1

Japan Resident (Outside Hokkaido)
Summer season
Rausu-dake (羅臼岳, 1661m)
Incident date: 2022/08/01
Event description (Google Translate) | At 2:15 p.m., the person in distress was descending the mountain at an altitude of 1,000 meters when he became unable to move due to fatigue and called 110 for help. The Hokkaido Police Mountain Distress Rescue Team rescued the person in distress.
Residence of individual: Outside Hokkaido
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2022) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時15分頃標高1000メートル付近を下山中、疲労により行動不能となり、自ら110番で救助要請(道警山岳遭難救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和4年) (北海道警察)

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About Filters

REGION: The general mountain/geographical region the route is in.

BEST MONTH(S): Time of year a route is suited to visiting. Some pop all season, some are more limited.

DIFFICULTY: How strenuous a route is, and how technical it is. Full details here.

FREERIDE/SKITOUR: Very subjective, but is a route more-of-a-walk-than-a-ski or the other way around? Some routes are all about the screaming downhill (freeride), some are more about the hunt for a peak or nice forest (ski-tour). Some are in between. 

MAIN ASPECT: Which cardinal direction the primary consequential slope is facing, that you might encounter on the route. More details here.

ROUTE TAGS: An eclectic picking of other categories that routes might belong to.

SEARCH BY LOCATION: You can find routes near your current location – just click on the crosshairs (). You may need to give permission to HokkaidoWilds.org to know your GPS location (don’t worry, we won’t track you). Or, type in a destination, such as Niseko or Sapporo or Asahikawa etc.

Please let us know how we can make it easier to narrow down your search. Contact Rob at rob@hokkaidowilds.org with your suggestions.

Hokkaido Police Search and Rescue Incident Translation Difficulty Rating





Vertical Gain



Time ascending













GRADES range from A (very difficult) to D (easy). Hazards include exposure to avalanche and fall risk. More details here. Rating rubric adapted from Hokkaido Yukiyama Guidebook 北海道雪山ガイド.