An unofficial English-translated database of Hokkaido mountain search and rescue events (Jan 2015 till present). All data raw data extracted from the Hokkaido Police annual search and rescue reports (available here).
Download all data (via the Open Science Framework): Excel xlsx | CSV (change log)
NOTE: English translations of the raw Japanese data are unofficial. Any suggestions for improvement or reports of errors should be made to Rob Thomson – Also, English translations of the original Japanese incident descriptions are mostly translated using DeepL. Human post-editing is intended as time allows.
Number in party requiring assistance
Enter location and then choose the radius you’d like to search within.
HINT 1: If, after searching, you can’t click on the colored circle on the map, try zooming in.
HINT 2: Click on the cross-hairs in the search box to get your current location.
HINT 2: Click on the cross-hairs in the search box to get your current location.


SAR No. 2023-144-1


Asahi-dake (旭岳, 2291m)
Incident date: 2023/12/30
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was snowboarding outside the Asahidake Ski Resort management area at around 3:30pm when he collided with a tree and injured his left leg, rendering him unable to move. His companions called 110 to request rescue (the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Mountain Rescue Team rescued the victim).
Citizenship of individual: Foreign citizen
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後3時半頃旭岳スキー場管理区域外をスノーボードで滑走中、立木に衝突して左足を負傷し、行動不能となったことから、同行者が110番で救助要請(道警山岳遭難救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-143-1


Kuro-dake (黒岳, 1984m)
Incident date: 2023/12/29
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was skiing at an altitude of around 1600 meters at around 12:30pm when he fell and injured his right leg, rendering him unable to move. His guide, who was accompanying him, called 119 via his family to request rescue (the guide rescued the victim and transported him by snow vehicle)
Citizenship of individual: Foreign citizen
Dispatch: Other
Dispatch: Other
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後0時半頃標高1600メートル付近をスキーで滑走中、転倒して右足を負傷し、行動不能となったことから、同行していたガイドが家族を介して119番で救助要請(同行者が遭難者を救助し雪上車で搬送)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-142-1


Nisekoannupuri (ニセコアンヌプリ, 1308m)
Incident date: 2023/12/26
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was snowboarding outside the management area of Niseko Annupuri International Ski Resort at around 4pm when he lost his way down the mountain and called for help (the ski patrol rescued the victim).
Citizenship of individual: Foreign citizen
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後4時頃ニセコアンヌプリ国際スキー場管理区域外をスノーボードで滑走中、下山方向が分からなくなり、スキー場に救助要請(スキーパトロール隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-141-1


Teine-yama (手稲山, 1023m)
Incident date: 2023/12/25
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was injured when he collided with a skier while descending the side of the course at Sapporo Teine Ski Resort at around 11:15am, and was unable to move, so he called 119 for help (the ski patrol team rescued the victim)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前11時15分頃サッポロテイネスキー場のコース脇を下山中、滑走中のスキーヤーと衝突して負傷し、行動不能となったことから、119番で救助要請(スキーパトロール隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-140-1


Nisekoannupuri (ニセコアンヌプリ, 1308m)
Incident date: 2023/12/20
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was skiing outside the management area of Niseko Annupuri International Ski Resort at around 3:15pm, but became stuck in the snow and unable to move, so they called 110 to request rescue (the ski patrol team rescued the person in distress)
Citizenship of individual: Foreign citizen
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後3時15分頃ニセコアンヌプリ国際スキー場管理区域外をスキーで滑走中、雪にはまり行動不能となったことから、110番で救助要請(スキーパトロール隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-139-1


Kitano-mine (北の峰, 1084m)
Incident date: 2023/12/17
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was snowboarding outside the management area of the Furano Ski Resort at around 3pm when he lost his way down the mountain and called for help (the ski patrol team rescued the victim)
Citizenship of individual: Foreign citizen
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Dispatch: Ski patrol
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後3時頃富良野スキー場管理区域外をスノーボードで滑走中、下山方向が分からなくなり、スキー場に救助要請(スキーパトロール隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-138-1


Maru-yama (円山, 225m)
Incident date: 2023/12/05
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress was descending at around 7:15 am at an altitude of around 200 meters when he fell and injured his right leg and right shoulder, rendering him unable to move, so he called 119 for help (the fire and rescue team rescued the person in distress)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前7時15分頃標高200メートル付近を下山中、転倒し右足と右肩を負傷して行動不能となったことから、119番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-137-1

Up to 20

Asahi-dake (旭岳, 2291m)
Incident date: 2023/11/10
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was soaked by rainwater that had flowed onto the trail at around 2:30 pm at the first station and became unable to move due to the cold. The victim's companion called for help by dialing 110 (the victim descended the mountain on their own with a passing climber).
Citizenship of individual: Foreign citizen
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時半頃1合目付近で、登山道に流れ込んだ雨水に浸って濡れ、寒さにより行動不能となったことから、同行者が110番で救助要請(通りがかりの登山者と共に自力下山)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-136-2


Daisengen-dake (大千軒岳, 1072m)
Incident date: 2023/10/31
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was attacked by a brown bear at around 10:00 am at an altitude of around 600 meters and sustained injuries. (The victim called for help after descending the mountain on their own.)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前10時頃標高600メートル付近で、ヒグマに襲われ負傷したもの。(自力下山後に通報)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-136-1


Daisengen-dake (大千軒岳, 1072m)
Incident date: 2023/10/31
Event description (Google Translate) | The missing person was attacked and injured by a brown bear at an altitude of around 600 meters at around 10:00am. (Reported after descending the mountain on their own)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Dispatch: Self Rescue
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午前10時頃標高600メートル付近で、ヒグマに襲われ負傷したもの。(自力下山後に通報)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-135-1


Daisengen-dake (大千軒岳, 1072m)
Incident date: 2023/10/29
Event description (Google Translate) | The missing person had entered the mountain on October 29th, but was lost and found collapsed in a stream at an altitude of around 600 meters by the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Mountain Rescue Team on November 2nd.
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、10月29日に入山していたが行方不明となり、11月2日に道警山岳遭難救助隊が標高600メートル付近の沢で倒れているところを発見
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-134-1


Oboko-dake (雄鉾岳, 1000m)
Incident date: 2023/10/29
Event description (Google Translate) | The climber was descending near the summit at around 12:30pm when he slipped and injured his left leg, becoming unable to move, so his companion called 110 to request rescue (a disaster prevention helicopter rescued the climber).
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Dispatch: Disaster SAR Helicopter
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後0時半頃山頂付近を下山中、滑落して左足を負傷し、行動不能となったことから、同行者が110番で救助要請(道防災ヘリが遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-133-2


Meakan-dake (雌阿寒岳, 1499m)
Incident date: 2023/10/18
Event description (Google Translate) | The climber became unable to move while descending near the first station at around 5:50pm, and called 110 to request rescue (the fire brigade rescued the climber).
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後5時50分頃1合目付近を下山中、道に迷ったことから行動不能となり、110番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-133-1


Meakan-dake (雌阿寒岳, 1499m)
Incident date: 2023/10/18
Event description (Google Translate) | The missing person was descending the mountain near the first station at around 5:50pm when they became lost and unable to continue, so they made a rescue request by calling 110 (the fire and rescue team rescued the missing person)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後5時50分頃1合目付近を下山中、道に迷ったことから行動不能となり、110番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

SAR No. 2023-132-1


Horoshiri-dake (幌尻岳, 2052m)
Incident date: 2023/10/15
Event description (Google Translate) | The missing person entered the mountain on October 14th and was last heard from on October 15th, the day they were due to descend, so on October 16th, the family made a rescue request to the Kitami Police Station
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、10月14日に入山し、下山日である10月15日に家族との連絡を最後に行方不明となったことから、10月16日に家族が北見署へ救助要請
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)


SAR No. 2023-131-1

Below 10

Moiwa-yama (藻岩山, 531m)
Incident date: 2023/10/15
Event description (Google Translate) | The victim was descending the mountain at around 2:30pm, being carried by his father at an altitude of around 350m, when his father fell and the victim hit his head on the ground and was injured. (The fire brigade rescued the victim)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時半頃標高350メートル付近を父親に抱っこされながら下山中、父親が転倒し、遭難者が地面に頭を打ち付けて負傷したもの。(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-130-1


Rausu-dake (羅臼岳, 1661m)
Incident date: 2023/10/13
Event description (Google Translate) | The climber was unable to move because it was dark and he had become unable to see due to sunset, so he called 110 to request rescue (the police officers from the local police station rescued the climber)
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Dispatch: Police Mountain SAR
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後7時頃登山口周辺を下山中、日没となり暗闇であることから行動不能となり、110番で救助要請(管轄警察署員が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)

No injury

SAR No. 2023-129-1


Daiba-yama (台場山, 345m)
Incident date: 2023/10/13
Event description (Google Translate) | The person in distress arrived at the summit at around 2:30 pm, but as they were lost and unable to find the way down, they called 110 for help (the fire and rescue team rescued the person in distress).
Citizenship of individual: Japan citizen
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Dispatch: Local Fire Dept
Translated from Mountain SAR Events (2023) by Hokkaido Police
Original Japanese | 遭難者は、午後2時半頃道に迷いながら山頂に到着したが、下山する道が分からないため、110番で救助要請(消防救助隊が遭難者を救助)
出典:山岳遭難発生状況(令和5年) (北海道警察)