Fushimi Emergency Hut

Free Hut
Has stove/heating
Has water source
Has toilets
Mountain bike accessible

Posted on Mar 8, 2019

Posted on Mar 8, 2019

0 2
Fushimi Emergency Hut is a basic but very solidly built steel-beam A-frame cabin, located on the northeastern side of the Hidaka Ranges. It is about 500m below the Fushimi-dake summer hiking trail trailhead, and has a wood stove. Officially, the hut is designated as an emergency hut, so non-essential stays should be kept to a minimum. The hut would accommodate 10 comfortably. The forestry road that leads to the hut is, as of March 2019, currently closed to all traffic due to washouts.

Last updated Mar 3, 2022


Fushimi Hut is located here, on the northeastern side of the Hidaka Ranges, at around 700m in altitude. It is about 500m below the Fushimi-dake summer hiking trail trailhead.

General notes

Fushimi Emergency Hut is a basic but very solidly built steel-beam A-frame cabin. It has a ground floor and a large loft area. Officially, the hut is designated as an emergency hut, so non-essential stays should be kept to a minimum (one or two nights). Officially the hut will sleep 30, but this would be very cramped. It would accommodate 10 comfortably. The forestry road that leads to the hut (entrance here) is currently closed to all traffic. There are multiple large-scale washouts. A fit mountain biker with overnight gear would have to be prepared for some short hike-a-bike sections.

Sleeps 15 people.
Official contact
Memuro Town Council Tourism Department (芽室町観光係)
TEL: 0155-62-2611
Memuro Yama-no-kai (Memuro Mountain Association)

The hut does not require bookings for overnight stays. It is not possible to book space ahead of time.

Hut Fees

Free for overnight stays.


Heating: Heating is via an effective wood stove. The wood stove will bring a kettle filled with snow to the boil in about 45 minutes. Wood is stored next to the stove, with extra wood stockpiled under the hut. There are a couple of axes in the hut for preparing kindling.

Water: There is an outside sink with running water. In the winter, this is buried, and water is not flowing. Either scramble down to the stream, or melt snow.

Kitchen/cooking: Beyond the kitchen sink outside in front of the hut, there are no cooking or kitchen facilities. When we were there in March 2019, there were two kettles inside for boiling water. There are a couple of trestle tables inside the hut but no chairs.

Bedding: No bedding or mattresses supplied.

Elecricity: No.

Toilets: There is a clean, basic toilet block next to the hut, with one urinal and one long-drop squat toilet.

Cell reception: No.



Related Maps

Coming soon…

NOTE: For number references to official printed topographical maps, check the main route report ( coming soon ).

Special Fushimi Emergency  Hut Notes

The vast majority of huts in Hokkaido are 100% maintained through passionate volunteer time and effort. The Fushimi Emergency Hut is no exception. While the official contact is the Memuro Town Council, it is the local volunteer Memuro Mountain Association that takes care of the actual on-the-ground maintenance. If you make a visit to the hut, please give the place a clean, and make sure to sign the guest book. Always leave a hut cleaner than you found it.

Fushimi Emergency Hut Trip reports

Fushimi Emergency Hut Photo Gallery

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2 thoughts on “Fushimi Emergency Hut”

  1. Hi Tom! Have you done it recently? The photos are from late March/ beginning of April?

    Thanks a lot for sharing such amazing information always!

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Fushimi Emergency Hut Difficulty Rating





Vertical Gain



Time ascending













GRADES range from A (very difficult) to D (easy). Hazards include exposure to avalanche and fall risk. More details here. Rating rubric adapted from Hokkaido Yukiyama Guidebook 北海道雪山ガイド.