Yamagoya Bozu sits just below the summit of Bozu-yama in the sleepy town of Hobetsu, at the far southern end of the Yubari Range 夕張山地.
Yamagoya Bozu is a cute, basic, picturesque little hut with four walls and a roof. It also has a wood stove, but you’ll have to haul your own wood up to the hut – there’s none provided. Merficully, the approach terrain lends itself (just) to pulling a pulk. The (just) here refers to one creek crossing and a steep-ish final approach to the hut – these require some careful pulk management and mean you’ll want to keep pulk weight to a minimum (on the up and the down).
- Hut size: This is a small hut. It sleeps five people comfortably, and probably eight at a pinch (sleeping eight will consume almost 100% of the floor area).
- Usage period: The normal hut usage period is May till October. Use over this period is on a first-in-first-served basis. Outside of this period (i.e., during winter), users must call the Hobetsu Town Council in advance (in Japanese) to inform them you’ll be using the hut. This does not constitute a booking – it’s still first-in-first-served. Consider carrying a tent just in case others are staying in the hut.
- Winter entry to the hut: In winter, the front door is locked. Users have to clamber through the rear window, using a supplied wooden ladder. Once through the window, the front door can be unlocked from the inside. In winter, close and lock the front door when you’re done using the hut. The rear window remains closed but unlocked.
- Winter usage notes: Upon leaving the hut, double-check that all doors and windows are securely closed – any open door or window will allow snow to build up inside the hut.
TEL: 0145-42-2416
Email: keizai@town.mukawa.lg.jp
URL: http://www.town.mukawa.lg.jp/1106.htm
Yamagoya Bozu Hut cannot be booked.
The hut has no usage fees.
Heating: Yamagoya Bozu Hut has a very effective wood-burning stove (about 1m deep, 40cm wide). However, no wood is supplied in the hut. Visitors wishing to use the stove need to carry their own wood up to the hut. The approach terrain from the north is suitable for pulling a pulk (from early February onwards).
Water: There is no water supply at the hut.
Kitchen/cooking: There are no cooking facilities at the hut. When we visited in February 2024, there was one large aluminum nabe pot (suitable for melting large quantities of snow), a plastic ladle, and a number of frypans, but nothing much else. The wood stove is a very effective heat source for melting snow and basic cooking (but note above that visitors need to bring their own wood).
Bedding: There is no bedding at the hut.
Elecricity: No electricity.
Toilets: There is no toilet at the hut. Pack out all solid human waste in W.A.G. bags.
Cell reception: There is good cell reception at the hut.
There is no hut keeper present.
Related Maps
NOTE: For number references to official printed topographical maps, check the main route report ( Hobetsu Bozu-yama ).
The day-to-day maintenance and care of Yamagoya Bozu Hut is done by local hikers through passionate volunteer time and effort. If you make a visit, please give the place a clean, and make sure to sign the guest book. Always leave a hut cleaner than you found it.
Yamagoya Bozu Hut Trip reports
Yamagoya Bozu Hut Photo Gallery
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